The last few months have turned my baby into a little man. He is changing daily. He wants to eat all the time. He would eat 200 puffs a day if I let him. He is learning to self feed with the puffs and turkey meatballs. He loves them. That and string cheese. Other wise he still is loving carrots, turkey and rice, lunch meat and applesauce. He is chewing pretty good with his 6 teeth (4 on top, 2 on bottom). He seems to be a meat lover. Matt and I couldn't be happier. I am still nursing but this kid gets a lot of formula too. It makes me feel less guilty about not giving him his vitamin D supplement. Never did get into a routine with that. We haven't had to give him is inhaler since we left Montana a few weeks ago. We pray that he stays healthy with no more trips to the ER. This healthy boy is a complete wiggle worm and we are waiting for him to crawl any day now. He is much better on his stomach and can push himself around in circles but still no real crawling. I am secretly fine with that. I love that I can put him on the floor with his toys and can expect to find him in the relatively same place when I come back to get him. He is rolling a little but I have only found him under a chair once so far.
He laughs, grunts, and screams these days. Matt and I's favorite thing is the new game of grunting back and forth with him from the other room. He is finding his voice that's for sure. You know when he is mad (mostly when he is not being held or is left alone). We tried so hard to raise an independent baby but I don't think it worked. He is very clingy to mom right now (which is sweet for me).
Nolan's 9 month tricks/stats:
H- 29" (72%)
W- 22 lb 5 oz (86%)
HC- 47.4 cm (96%)
size 9-12 month clothes
size 4 diapers
sleeps 4-6 hour stretches ( at best)
stands holding table
learning to wave
he bites
picks up his own puffs
loves books
loves looking at himself in the mirror
finished swim class
bedtime routine with dad
obsessed with the dogs
sits up much better
splashing in the bath tub
loves being outside
lets me "brush" his teeth
switched to forward facing stroller
loves the swing
Chompers |
6/7/13 |
Nanny Jenna |
Okay I checked and John's head was bigger and Riley's was only one CM smaller :) I love a big nugget!!!