Nolan is 5 months and I am back to work. I am shocked at how quickly we got here. As for felt good to put the scrubs back on. The mornings went better than I anticipated, and the days went by fast. The work load was light which was nice for me to ease in slowly. The screen looked fuzzy and I felt a little rusty, but it went well over all. Now to Nolan, I can't believe you are 5 months old. You are so fun right now. You were sleeping great (until 2 nights ago), but now seem to have a little cough. Please don't get sick on me.
Nolan at 5 months...
You now have tears
You love your blue cow blankie
You want to be held all the time
You started rice cereal...some from a spoon but mostly in the bottle
You found your feet and grab for your toes
You suck your thumb
You rolled over once from tummy to back
You are home with the nanny Jenna
You hate the Bumbo chair
You have learned to scream
You love facing out in the Bjorn baby carrier
You wear size 3 diaper
You wear 6 month clothes because you are really long
We don't know your height and weight until 6 months
You laugh when dad raises you above his head
You are a terrible napper
Thank you for talking to us and laughing at our jokes...we love more than you could ever know!!
Not quite sitting up |
rice cereal face |
Sunny walk 2/7/13 |
Hanging with Mr. Fox |