This has been the fastest 6 months of my life. Our little newborn is a full fledged baby now. He is eating solid foods, almost sitting up, and laughs at our crazy faces we can't help but make to hear his giggles. I have heard that it has been proven that parents have more wrinkles because of the funny faces they make at their kids and I am here to tell you they are totally worth it. When he smiles at me with those beautiful blue eyes...there is nothing I wouldn't do for him ( or let him get away with). I have had to tell him "NO" a couple times when he pinches or pulls hair...he gets a perplexed look on his face and then smiles because he already knows we can't stay mad at him. He is such a love. Still whines and cries when he is left alone or put down...but for the most part he is a happy kid. As long as Sophie the Giraffe is around. It is amazing how babies love that French import. Nolan's really is from France by the way...courtesy of Denise and her european connections. Anyway. We think some teeth are coming in but we can't see them for sure. We are a little nervous about getting through the fussiness of teething. Not sure the teething tablets are going to help me get a good nights sleep. But I am not above trying either. I would say Nolan's new "trick" is not one of my favorites...screaming/screeching. You can see him learning to make new noises and sounds which is cute but the sound that comes out...not so much. Sort of reminds me of Dumb and Dumber when he asks
Harry if he wants to hear the most annoying sound in the world. Nolan can use it as a torture tactic for sure. Don't get me wrong...we still laugh or smile when he does it...we just try not to have him right next to our ear for fear of permanent damage. I guess its payback that I have a loud child...he may get it from his mom :)
Nolan Matthew Bourne at 6 months:
weight- 18lb 9.5 oz (68%)
height- 27"(65%)
head- 45.4 cm (94%)... Is anyone surprised?
Ok Ok...last picture |
Practicing wearing his new shades |
Where is the Dr.? |
Dad time |