Life is precious. Our life is blessed. And we have chosen to spend it together.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

7 months on the 7th

Nolan's golden month birthday!  Lucky #7...  His new tricks include blowing bubbles, standing with assistance, and swimming.  We are working on clapping and waving but he is proving to be a slow learner.  But no reason to be worried yet :)  As far as the standing makes me worried he may skip the crawling and go straight for walking.  Right now I am loving our world of immobility and start to freak a little when I think about the efforts it will take to get our house ready for a wild walking Nolan. However, I do love the idea of seeing this tiny little person up on his two feet.  Not sure how he is going to carry around that large noggin of his.  I do love me a little bobble head action.

some stats:

Last weight was 18 lb 10 oz (after losing a lb being sick)
9-12 month clothes
size 3 diapers during day...size 4 diapers at night
2 servings of solids/day
up twice a night on average

he is sitting up much better (still can fall backwards)
loves books
loves being outside
giggles at the dogs
tries to eat my iPhone
loves seeing himself in the mirror
a bit of a mama's boy right now (love it!!!)

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