Who wouldn't want to recieve the most amazing gift they will ever recieve a month early?? Matt and I were absolutely SHOCKED when my water broke and it was baby time at 3:30 am 9/7. Both of us went to bed abnormally late at 1:30 on Thursday night...only to have me change our lives forever with one trip to the bathroom. I got up to go and walked back to the bedroom with a little something still running down my leg. I couldn't believe that this MIGHT be what I thought it was. After waiting about 15 mins I decided it was time to tell Matt. He just kept asking if "I was sure." The truth is I wasn't so I got online to read about it. All signs pointed to it being my water breaking so I made "the call." Dr. Levine (our OB) called back and told me we should come in. Our bag wasn't packed and the car seat still had the tags on it but we did the best we could to think of all we would need in case we were to stay. Once we got to Triage they confirmed that I was in fact in labor and wanted us to go walk for 2 hours. Matt and I weren't up for a 2 hour walk so we came home and got some more things we needed. Oh and I did the dishes. Stace met us and we were back to Swedish by 8:00. It was pretty much the craziest day of our lives. Things progressed very naturally. I was having contractions that were increasing in intensity, and pretty early on were about 5 mins apart. I made it about 6 hours in labor before I made the call for the epidural. I tried the birthing ball and the jacuzzi tub but nothing helped with the back labor and nausea. The anesthesiologist became my best friend. They did a great job and changed my entire birthing experience. I was a happy happy camper. I had to be told I was having contractions and couldn't have been happier. They waited a while to check my progress but the first time they did I was already 3 cm dilated. By 4:00 ( 12.5 hrs after water broke) I was fully dilated. By this time the waiting area was full of love and anticipation of meeting our sweet prince. Matt and I still couldn't believe that this day was here and that we were going to meet our son ( who still had no name). After laboring down for 1.5 hours it was time to start pushing. Our amazing nurse Brenda was incredibly encouraging and supportive which took away all my anxiety. Pushing was a crazy experience. I couldn't feel anything and had no idea what I was doing. She assured me I was doing everything right and Matt and was there telling me how amazing I was. I was truly surrounded by love and support with my sisters right by my side as well. My contractions ended up being 10 mins apart which made for a rather boring couple of hours. We kept joking that it was nothing like in the movies with all the screaming and panic. Matt kept me calm and the drugs kept me happy. I truly thought he was never going to come out. BUT...after 3 hrs of pushing, we finally heard his first cries. They heard it in the halls, and my mom heard them all the way over in Portugal. Yes my mom missed the birth by one day. Her absence was the only thing keeping this from being a PERFECT day. I never imagined I wouldn't have my mom with me the day I delivered my son...but she has been with my every day since by way of video chat and text message. I can't think about it because I start to cry.
So here he was, this beautiful baby boy sitting on my chest wide awake taking it all in. Matt and I just stared at him and stared at each other. What on earth were we going to name him. Our lists of names only had one we mutually agreed on but it still wasn't for sure. The OB that delivered baby boy got a page from home so we asked her about her kids. Stace and I wanted to hear her boys names for ideas. When she told us her first born was "Nolan," the Ahlgrim's erupted. Nolan was the only name Matt and I could agree on. It was the sign we had been hoping for. I guess that means that Nolan is named after our OB's son...well what ever it takes to fill out the birth certificate :)
I am sure that I am leaving out plenty of details, but there were plenty of moments you can't actually put into words. It has been the most fullfilling, tiring, heart warming, and humbling experience. We are doing great. Matt has been truly beyond amazing. He never left my side at the hospital and continues to do everything he can while we are at home. I have fallen even more in love with him through all of this. It is really completing us to become parents together!
Nolan Matthew Bourne 6lb 8 oz 18.5 " born at 9:01 9/7/2012.
Nolan, you are more precious than we could have predicted. Thank you for not being 4 weeks bigger for your poor mommy. We love your unbelievable head of hair, your really big ear lobes, and of course your fuzzy shoulders. I don't want you to get any bigger, but we can't wait to show you the world and see who you will become. We love you beyond words, Mommy and Daddy!!